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Baltic WiFi is now LIVE!

Liverpool Marina

As you will know, earlier in the year we instructed Baltic Broadband to takeover our Marina WiFi which has been an issue for several years.

We are thrilled to announce that after four months of hard work, Baltic are right on schedule and have completed the roll out on Coburg. The WiFi for all Coburg berth holders is now LIVE! 🥳

Please check your emails for log in information!

Please DO NOT share this information with anyone outside of our marina.

Brunswick is next in line for the roll out which we anticipate to be completed by 31st July.

You can read all about the project here:



Our office is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


Reception: 0151 707 6777

Out of hours/emergencies: 07928 482 308

Chloe - Direct: 07711959222 (emergency only)

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